
The latest and greatest news!

Jade B. earns Commercial Multi Engine Add-on and more!

Our 2019 Advanced Scholarship Recipient had a wonderful update for us!

Back in February I changed jobs, so that bought me some time to head out of town and knock out my commercial multi engine add on using the scholarship I got from you guys. Here's the info on that...

I went down to Albuquerque, NM in February (they had great weather at the time) to do my Commercial Multi Engine Add-on Rating. On the day of my add-on checkride, I did a second checkride to get my Multi Engine Instructor Certificate as well. I passed both rides. Yay! Also while down there, I went to the Albuquerque FSDO and found out I qualified to be a Gold Seal Instructor, so the ABQ FSDO did all the paperwork for that and got me the gold seal added to my CFI certificate along with my CFI renewal through the FAA for this year (good thing I was due for renewal in 2020, haha). All in all, Albuquerque was a very positive aviation experience and I will remember it fondly. That being said, I couldn't have done any of that without the help of the 99s scholarship. I do not have the words to describe the amount of gratitude I have and just how absolutely blessed and fortunate I was that the 99s picked me for the advanced scholarship. I am not sure of the correct word(ing), but I feel absolutely grateful, astounded, and just plain happy--all possible through the 99s. I honestly can't thank you all enough! Thank you 99s for helping my dreams come true!

I have a picture of me with the the Grumman Tiger I did my multi training in after my checkrides (attached). 

I would like to write a huge thank you and shout out to all of the 99s for the scholarship and awesome opportunity they gave me! 

Leah Ochs