
We have regularly schedule events - Monthly Chapter Business Meetings and a frequent Social Dinners at various local restaurants. Chapter business meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the Month, at 6 pm at Atlantic Aviation, Reno and also via Zoom.

Welcome to our Events Page

In addition to having our Chapter events posted here, we’ll try to keep this page updated with local or regional aviation events. The best way to identify what type of activity you’re looking at is to check out the logo. Chapter Business Meetings will have the RHS logo, Southwest Section events will use the SWS logo. Social events will use the colorful people with puzzle pieces logo, fundraising events will have the $ sign, and flying events will feature a cartoon woman flying a plane. All other evens will use the event logo. If you have an event you would like us to add, please let us know!

March Business Meeting
6:30 PM18:30

March Business Meeting

We’re meeting at 6:30 PM on March 13th, at Atlantic Aviation at 655 S Rock Blvd, Reno, NV 89502.

We are excited to announce that a representative from the Reno Airport Authority, Tina Iftger, will speak to our chapter about the “More RNO Program.” You don’t want to miss this!!

We’re also hosting our meetings on Zoom for those who cannot appear in person. Please click here to join our meeting.

Check out our Events and Calendar pages for more activities.

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Spring Southwest Section Meeting - hosted by Rio Colorado Chapter
to Mar 30

Spring Southwest Section Meeting - hosted by Rio Colorado Chapter

Visit the Southwest Section Meeting Website for information about the event and registration.

*Please note - The website linked above is used for ALL Southwest Section Meetings; therefore the information posted will be for the upcoming meeting, or the most recently held meeting (pending the next event being published.)

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Scholarship Primer
6:00 PM18:00

Scholarship Primer

Hello Pilots!

It’s time for our annual Scholarship Primer.  I will cover what details make a scholarship application great and some advice for acing your scholarship interview.  Any and all pilots are welcome to join.  

Monday, 2/3/25, 6 pm - When questions are finished.

The Scholarship Primer will be via Zoom only!

PLEASE RSVP by emailing Moe at: for Zoom invitation.

Take care,
Moe Makowski
AEMSF Chair RHS 99s

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RHS 99s Fundraising and Social Event
5:30 PM17:30

RHS 99s Fundraising and Social Event

Join Us at High Mark Distillery for a social and fundraising event. Cost is $65.00 per person. It benefits the scholarship fund. Everyone is welcome to attend.

We will be making Moscow Mules and we will be able to take some home too.

Secure your reservation by sending payment by Zelle to: or by scanning the QR Code below. You may also send checks to: P.O. Box 12863, Reno NV 89510

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Fall Southwest Section Meeting 2024
to Sep 22

Fall Southwest Section Meeting 2024

Our Fall Southwest Section Meeting is hosted by the San Luis Obispo Chapter

Visit the Southwest Section Meeting Website for information about the event and registration.

This SWS Meeting will be both in person and online. For all the fun activities, you must attend in person. If you can’t join in for the fun, as least you can join in for the business. Don’t forget to register!

*Please note - The website linked above is used for ALL Southwest Section Meetings; therefore the information posted will be for the upcoming meeting, or the most recently held meeting (pending the next event being published.)

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The Great Reno Balloon Race
to Sep 8

The Great Reno Balloon Race

  • Rancho San Rafael Regional Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our fellow 99 and Balloon Pilot, Karalynn will be flying her balloon, Citrus in the Sky at The Great Reno Balloon Race! Come show your support for Ballooning! Remember, they were the first to take to the skies in flight!! If you’ve never crewed for a Balloon Pilot, seen a glow, or taken a flight in a Balloon, you’re missing out!!

The official event days are Friday/Saturday/Sunday, however there will be flights Wednesday and Thursday as well!

For more information about the Great Reno Balloon Race - visit their website:

Per Karalynn:

We (Karalynn and her son Will) are flying all week - I will be flying Wednesday - Sunday.  Will will be flying Thursday - Sunday.  We will both be glowing Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I am also getting to do something pretty special on Sunday but more details on that later.

We both love getting the chance to share our hometown event with our local crew.  If you are interested in coming out any or all days - please let us know ASAP.  We will work on getting a schedule out to all of you.  We do get some parking passes so we will work on sharing them with you guys.  

GRBR is where my family first saw balloons - it will be special to share it as a team with all of you!


Ballooning is the Best Reason EVER to set your Alarm clock!

Karalyn Mumm


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RHS Supporting the Aces vs Aviators
6:30 PM18:30

RHS Supporting the Aces vs Aviators

From our Social Director, Tara T!

Good day, fellow aviatrices!

I hope you’ve all had an amazing summer thus far, full of adventures & flying! Now that the summer is winding down & we’re all getting back into town from our travels, it’s a great time to get together with our chapter mates & families & enjoy some Reno Aces Baseball!  

Saturday, August 24 at 6:35p the Reno Aces will host the Las Vegas Aviators as part of the Silver State Series. Here is the ticket purchase link:

When selecting tickets on the seat map, tap/select the “GRASS BERM SEATING” section (see attached photo for reference), since it is open seating. Bring your own chair or blanket for this section, & please note that Greater Nevada Field has a clear bag policy. 

Also, this game’s promotion is Harry Potter Night! This themed night includes a Harry Potter sock giveaway. I’m sure this will be a fun night for all of us, including those of us with kids, so I’d like to say “Accio 99s & fam!” Please join us for a family fun night at Greater Nevada Field!

Feel free to reach back out to me with any questions.

Blue Skies,Tara Tate

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August Business Meeting
6:30 PM18:30

August Business Meeting

The August meeting has be changed to August 11 at 4:00PM at Peggy Dwelle's House for a summer pool party and combined meeting. There WILL be a zoom option for this meeting.

I know everyone can not make it but I hope we can get a good turn out and have a good time.

We will have hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, we may  grill some chicken too for those who don't do hot dogs and hamburgers. We ask that everyone sign up (see button below) to bring a side dish.

Rhonda DeGamro


Check out our Events and Calendar pages for more activities.

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California Capital Airshow
to Jul 14

California Capital Airshow


This is an EVENING show!! Gates open at 3:30 PM and flying starts at 6 PM.

Single Day tickets are about~ $45 Click here to buy tickets:


Advance Tickets (for all types of seating) can be purchased online from our website through our partnership with Eventsprout. General Admission tickets may be purchased. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD ONSITE.

What if I can’t find my Eventsprout tickets?

The easiest way to get your tickets is to find your email order confirmation; tickets are usually attached as a PDF file you can print. Can’t find them, having trouble printing, or other questions visit Eventsprout Zendesk here.

What is the difference between general admission tickets and premium seating/chalets?

General Admission tickets simply get you in the gate to the Airshow. You are responsible for your own seating during the show.

Mather Airport is located just 10 miles from downtown Sacramento and adjacent to Rancho Cordova. For accurate directions depending on your location please use Google Maps. Driving directions can also be found here.

Can I fly into the Airshow?

Unfortunately, with our Airshow starting and ending later — fly-in aircraft are not permitted this year.

Where can I stay for the weekend?

Check out the local hotels through the Rancho Cordova Travel and Tourism website.


How much is parking?

Parking is FREE with the purchase of an admission ticket. It does not include exit and re-entry.

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Chapter Summer Potluck / Birthday Party (Copy)
4:00 PM16:00

Chapter Summer Potluck / Birthday Party (Copy)

  • Kinbs Beach, California United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are having our annual summer Birthday Party on Tuesday June 11, from 4-8 pm.

Our Scholarship Chair, Elizabeth Collins, is hosting this year’s party at her home in Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe. Please check your email for Elizabeth’s address.

It is recommended that you carpool so contact Rhonda if you need a ride, or to connect you with someone else. Also, don’t forget our What’s App Chat Group.

Rhonda is graciously providing Tri Tip and BBQ Chicken, please bring a side dish and BYOB!

This is also the meeting where our new officers are officially announced.

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5:00 PM17:00


Save the date!!

April 20 at 5:00 p.m. for Social/Fund raiser

We are having a 2 hour class at High Mark Distillery where we will make a custom

bottle of Lemoncello for each of us to take home.

It is $65 and a portion of the fee goes to our scholarships.

The owner is a female bush pilot from Alaska.

I know there will be some amazing stories to hear.

To reserve your spot, contact Stacie Goodwin or by clicking on the QR Code below

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