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End of Year Statistics for 2020 - 8.4% of Pilots are female per FAA Data

Hello ladies,

I thought I would start off this year by sharing some statistics from the FAA regarding the number of pilots, and how many of them are women as of December 31, 2020. No, that’s not a typo, 2020. The statistics for 2021 haven’t been been published yet. :)

Here’s the big news - as of 2020, women pilots made up approximately 8.4% of all FAA certified pilots. I think that’s the highest percentage yet! Some will say, my, that number is so low! I would offer for your consideration that this number represents a GROWING number! In 2011, it was 6.6%. Here are the overall numbers (estimates) provided by the FAA:

To look at the numbers yourself, please visit the FAA at: U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics

Thank you to RHS 99 Neita Montague for inspiring this post!

Reno High Sierra 99s