
The latest and greatest news!

From Stacie's Facebook Post....

I received permission from Stacie to share her FB post about earning her BFR sign off. Please see her comments and photos below:

Stacie - September 13, 2022

Today was the best day EVER!!! I flew in some strong crosswinds at Minden and after some instruction I nailed the landings. Maybe better than when there’s no wind. Then Jere signed off my long anticipated biannual flight review and I can now fly on my own!!! I can’t even stop doing the happy dance!!!

I need to thank Laura Starkey and Heather McCoy for introducing me to Jere (best instructor ever!), Jeff Goodwin for listening to every last detail of every flight and every video, and lastly all my friends, the ladies of the 99s and my family for all the support!

Reno High Sierra 99s