
The latest and greatest news!

New Rotocraft Certificate Earned!

Chapter member Anna Marshall is celebrating her first private pilot license: a Rotorcraft certificate. She passed her checkride in Oct. 2019 at AUN airport. Congrats, Anna!

Leah Ochs
Chapter Member gives TEDx Talk on Women in Aviation

Chapter Member Leah Ochs gave a TEDx Talk on February 29th at the Reno Sparks Convention Center. The talk was part of the TEDxUniversityofNevadaReno program and had over 1500 attendees. Leah talked about women in aviation, encouraging women to take advantage of the opportunities that are available exclusively to them, as the minority in the industry. Her mission of the talk was to inspire more women to investigate aviation and she said she has already received great feedback from many newly interested folks!

Watch her talk here!

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Leah Ochs
Chapter Member Wins RTAG Scholarship

Our very own Jenna Scolari won the Reno Tahoe Aviation Group Scholarship! Congratulations Jenna!

“… last night we awarded this year’s Tom Pagnano Memorial Scholarship to Jenna Scolari! See the attached photo. Jenna’s dad helped her pay for her Private Pilot lessons, but she’s been working three or four jobs at a time to pay for her Instrument and Commercial ratings herself. This scholarship will help her achieve her aviation goals more quickly. Congratulations, Jenna! And thank you to everyone who made this possible by contributing to the Tom Pagnano Memorial Scholarship Fund over the past 12 months. “

Leah Ochs