Our 99’s visited Biggest Little City Flight School Open house
My fellow aviatrices, I present Tara T., freshly minted private pilot! Congratulations!!!
RHS99s celebrated Tara passing her check ride yesterday at our monthly business meeting.
Below you can find some of our canine members who are generally the center of attention: Rembrandt in the foreground and Rio snoozing in the background.
Last night RHS 99s met at Peggy’s beautiful south Reno for a meal jointly prepared under the watchful eye of our PIC, Rhonda. We started with a gorgeous charcuterie board, followed by a roasted butternut soup with cranberries and pecans, mixed green salad, and then lemon herbed chicken with roasted root vegetables. For dessert, we had a peach upside-down cake with Grand Marnier. Everyone had an amazing time! In addition to our members, we had 49.5s, (Jeff, Mike, Rick, Bobby join us) and the Chapter’s 49.5, Jere! We might have also talked Peggy’s daughter to switch to our Chapter….
Per Stacie: Nothing like flying with your girlfriends! Boots (Colleen) and I went to pick up Leah in Concord CA today. It was just perfect weather and a smooth flight. Left Nevada all bundled up- got to Concord and we were sweating! I love cross country flying!
Congrats to Ann, who passed her check ride today and became a private pilot!!
Don’t we all wish we were Leah today? She commuted from KCXP to KCCR, by plane for work, which is FAR superior than commuting by car. Especially when you bring friends with you, like 49.5 Jere, and fellow RHS 99 Stacie!
This past weekend Heather and Dani flew to Columbia for breakfast and stopped by the local fall craft festival that included period soldiers marching the Flag!
Congratulations to Colleen for hitting 300 hours!!
Stacie and Tara we’re out and about enjoying the blue skies!
Most of us have something aviation themed in our homes; a framed solo shirt, artwork, or a prop. This past weekend Dani attended an aviation themed wedding!!
Leah logged time today in the company plane! (We’re all happy and jealous!)
Karalyn’s flying in New Mexico, a whole group of RHS 99s are flying in Texas, and Christine was flying today in California with a student.
Stacie, Colleen, RuthAnn are at GIFT! Girls in Flight Training. This week long flying camp is the stuff of dreams for working towards a rating and building experience. Check out GIFT’s Website!
The yearly high holy event for all balloonists occurs in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the International Balloon Fiesta.
This year, our favorite balloon pilot Karalyn is there flying, and so is her son! Bonus points if you can identify the balloon her son is flying….
From Grace:
Day 1 of the SW Section meeting in Ventura CA and we (my mom and I) took a boat ride with the 99s group to Santa Cruz Island (Channel Island National Park), saw over 1,000 Dolphins (!!!) along the way, hiked 2 miles overlooking the water, road home on the ferry and saw whales, and ended the night socializing at the hangar party! These are usually pretty fun but this one’s been extra fun! Lots of years of flying and air racing experience and generally nice women to meet and greet 😊
The local chapter of Women in Aviation hosted their 2nd Annual Girls in Aviation Day. Members from the Reno High Sierra 99s and the Reno Area 99s (and maybe the Lake Tahoe 99s?) all participated!
The Reno High Sierra 99’s ladies were out tearing up the skies today in this beautiful September weather! Tara completed another amazing solo cross country for her Private Pilot license going from Reno to Susanville, Lovelock, and back to Reno. Hannah was out working maneuvers with the Civil Air Patrol in Silver Springs over that famous dry lake bed at around 8,500 feet. Grace finished up her biannual flight review today showing off her skills between Minden and Carson. Finally, Stacie made a cross-country trip from Carson to Hawthorne working on her teaching skills for CFI.
RHS99s and visiting 99s
RHS 99s and 49 1/2 Jere