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Runway Numbers Change at the Reno Tahoe International Airport

You may recall a year or so ago, the FAA started changing the runway numbers. I even snapped a photo of the new numbers! But then inexplicably, they undid everything and we stayed with our current numbers.

Well, they’re at it again, and maybe it’ll stick this time. If you’ve flown in or out of Reno lately, you’ll have notice that 16L is closed. If you’re like us in a small plane based on the east side, you’ve been requesting an intersection departure at Delta on 16R.

Why is this happening though? Magnetic Variation my fellow aviatrixes. Check out this article for an in depth explanation of how and why.

In preparation of our new runway headings, practice with me now, “35 Right” “35 Left”…

See the bulletin below! And if you know why they changed their minds a while back, let us know!

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