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What do RHS99s do when they're not flying?

Well we get to high places in the sky in other ways! Moe and Elizabeth sometimes meet up for your average "hike" - Moe picked the first one above Lake Tahoe. It was so nice that Elizabeth picked the next one in Colorado. You may think this isn't flying, but if you were to slip, I can assure you, you'd be flying.

Elizabeth and Moe, high above Lake Tahoe, talking about landing planes on hillsides.

Here you see Elizabeth and Moe “hiking” in Colorado. I don’t know about you, but I think perhaps my definition of “hiking” and THEIR definition of “hiking” might be different. All I know for sure is that if either of them invites me for a hike (and I hope they do!) I will be careful to discuss a “Hiking Plan” before taking off…

What do you do when you’re not in a plane? Send your photos a stories to

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